Can the SME sector contribute to Atmanirbhar Bharat?

Atmanirbhar Bharat is a profound initiative organized by our honorable Prime Minister – Narendra Modi. Atmanirbhar Bharat will rise on five essential keystones – (i) Infrastructure, (ii) Economy, (iii) System, (iv) Democracy and (v) Demand. If being resilient on these keystones, ‘Bharat’ will be successful on its goal of becoming “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” very soon. Indian MSME sector provides many employment opportunities and is referred to as a ‘Emphatic Industrial Sector’ which is immensely contributing to the GDP of the nation.
Seeing the comeback after lockdown, formal reports state that India fortifies on its vision of MSME sector becoming the key contributor towards the nation’s economy and GDP in 2020. However, there are many reproving aspects for the triumph of SMEs – Financial steadiness, attainability of skilled labor in MSME array, market aggression of their commodities to attain progress in EXIM, etc. By overcoming all gaps which are coming in between the course of the SME Sector, it will triumph victoriously which will lead India to become a 3 Trillion$ economy.